Due to the transcontinental nature of the participant base and the ongoing pandemic considerations, the workshop will be held in an entirely online format. The workshop will be delivered across a total of four 3-hour sessions (one per day): the first three sessions are dedicated to one of the research questions, with the fourth session used to identify priorities and a roadmap to move forward.
These sessions will be held on October 17/18, October 18/19, October 24/25, October 25/26 during mutually-acceptable time slots. To maximize the amount of real-time collaboration in each session, contributors and participants will be asked to view a plenary video on the workshop Youtube channel to prepare for the upcoming live session. The total commitment, outside of preparing the application, should be equivalent to a traditional in-person two-day workshop.
Timing of Sessions by region
Based on the time zone differentials between the US and Japan, the following time slot has been identified as optimal for the live sessions.
1:00 - 4:00 PM (GMT)
7:00 - 10:00 PM (EST)
4:00 - 7:00 PM (PDT)
8:00- 11:00 AM (JST)
(upcoming day)
Overall Structure of the four Sessions
Example: Session 1 starts on the 17th of October at 7:00 PM in US-East, whereas the same session starts on the 18th of October at 8:00 AM in Japan due to time zone differences.
October 17/18
October 18/19
Opportunities for Impact
(Prompt 1)
Data & Infrastructure Needs
(Prompt 2)
October 24/25
October 25/26
US-Japan Potentials
(Prompt 3)
Paths Forward
10 min
40 min
15 min
100 min
15 min
< 60 min
Report outs
Break & Prep
Break & Prep
Report outs
Wrap Up
Wrap Up
Report outs
Break & Prep
Kick Off
Wrap Up
Report outs
Break & Prep
Breakout Activity
Breakout Activity
Breakout Activity
Kick Off
Kick Off
Kick Off
Video & Reflection
Video & Reflection
Video & Reflection
Video & Reflection
Wrap Up
Breakout Activity
Session elements
Workshop Outputs
Miro is a commercially available digital collaboration tool that emulates post-it note, whiteboard and other physical mapping/sorting processes common at physical workshops, but in a fully-archivable, environmentally sustainable, sharable and reproducible digital medium. With a rich library of templates and tools, the highly intuitive digital collaboration space gathers distributed users around shared “boards” that can be built out and customized. Users can add to and annotate boards in real time, providing a highly visual virtual collaboration environment that will be used for this workshop. Boards can be saved for continued engagement via a web link, and also exported as PDFs or images for archiving and publication.
What is Miro?
Position Papers are professionally designed documents scaffolded off of the Contributors’ responses to the three question prompts during their application. Position Papers will be posted to this website and accessible to all participants with login credentials. Issues raised in the Position Papers will help to seed the workshop sessions; small-group discussions will be dictated by the themes extracted from them. They will be used to identify the unique combination of 10 participants that would likely have a fruitful discussion in a given Collaboration Block.
What is a Position Paper?
What is an Executive Summary?
Opportunity Briefs will be accompanied by a 1-page Executive Summary that will provide an overall synopsis of the workshop with key outcomes detailed in the opportunity briefs, as well as cross-cutting themes that unify the Opportunity Briefs. The Executive Summary will be authored in English and translated into Japanese for standalone use by stakeholders in their respective countries. These will be made available on the Products page.
What is an Opportunity Brief?
The workshop’s major outcomes will be synthesized as Opportunity Briefs - stylized, 1-page briefings in standard formats that succinctly summarize identified opportunity areas, next steps or priorities for advancement, and anticipated impact on society as well as US-Japan collaborations. The Briefs will be authored in English and translated into Japanese for standalone use by stakeholders in their respective countries. These will be made available on the Products page.
The Executive Summary and Opportunity Briefs will be included in a formal Workshop Report, assembled for archival purposes to document the overall workshop format and agenda, discussants, and a compilation of discussants' two-page Position Papers. Due to its length, this report will be generated in English and will not be translated into Japanese as the critical synthesis of the workshop will already be captured by the bilingual Opportunity Briefs and Executive Summary. The report will be made available on the Products page.
What is a
Workshop Report?
© 2022 by Keough School of Global Affairs University of Notre Dame