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About the Workshop
Workshop Theme
Despite the technological advances in modeling and simulation of natural hazards and their impacts on engineered systems and structures -- and the innovative mitigation techniques that have resulted -- disaster resilience is, at its heart, a matter of human resilience. The calls for more Sustainable Development originate from the recognition that human actions and decisions ultimately dictate whether natural hazards become disasters. As much as human decisions have always shaped where we live and how we build, they tragically also shape the hazards we confront, playing a significant role in climate change that has now completed that vicious cycle by intensifying tropical cyclones and other damaging weather phenomena driving record losses across human populations. Thus successful mitigation of AND adaptation to climate change can no longer be addressed independent of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Sendai’s calls for Disaster Risk Reduction (DDR). Recognizing their complex interplay, it is critical to chart new directions in research that address the one common denominator that connects them all: humans.
​In re-architecting how we analyze, model, simulate and even discuss disaster from a more human-centered perspective, we will undoubtedly confront the need to capture, generate and discover new classes of data capable of matching this new vision for disaster research. Fortunately, the Sendai Framework provides an important roadmap for how such progress can be made, signaling the need for enhanced international cooperation around disaster data through commitments to:
increase accessibility to reliable, open disaster data, and
promote innovations in data collection, analysis, and dissemination.
This virtual workshop will bring together research communities from the United States and Japan to foster greater integration of human and societal data with natural and built-environment data to generate new insights on disaster impacts and paths toward reducing disaster risk through international partnership.
Workshop Goals & Research Questions
This virtual workshop held across multiple dates 17-26 October 2022 will bring together research communities that have been cultivated by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and US National Science Foundation (NSF) to advance more human-centered data for resilience (HCD4R). The workshop’s primary goal is to identify opportunities where US-Japan collaborations can uniquely advance a more human-centered approach to research on disaster resilience, identifying the data, research infrastructure and initiatives necessary for impactful partnership on this subject.
The workshop will enable a community-driven approach to answering important questions such as:
How can the human dimensions of disaster impacts be more accurately captured and represented in the analysis, modeling and simulation of disasters?
What type of data and supporting research infrastructure would be necessary to enable novel, transdisciplinary approaches to answering these and other human-centered disaster questions?
In what ways can US-Japan collaborations advance these questions in new and important ways?
The exploration of these questions by a diverse group of participants will yield a roadmap for possible future joint JST and NSF research opportunities around identified opportunity areas.
Important Dates
Please find below all important dates regarding the Workshop
August 9, 2022:
Application window opens
September 23, 2022:
Application deadline (extended)
September 25, 2022:
Contributors invitated
October 5, 2022:
Participants notified
October 17/18, 2022:
Workshop Session 1 (3 hours)
October 18/19, 2022:
Workshop Session 2 (3 hours)
October 24/25, 2022:
Workshop Session 3 (3 hours)
October 25/26, 2022:
Workshop Session 4 (3 hours)
November 20, 2022:
Opportunity Briefs released
November 31, 2022:
Workshop Report released
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CMMI 2230960. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the workshop organizers and contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
© 2022 by Keough School of Global Affairs University of Notre Dame