How can the human dimensions of disaster impacts be more accurately captured and represented in the analysis, modeling and simulation of disasters?
Disaggregated data on disaster impacts on humans would help policy making toward disaster resilience. Although not enough; two out of seven targets; Target A and B of the Sendai Framework; are devoted to disaster impacts on humans. Member States agreed so-called global indicators on the seven targets to report progress of the implementation of the Sendai Framework. Thus; in literally global comparison could be done by the global indicators if Member States properly collect and report such data. As the Sendai Framework stipulates; “disaster risk reduction requires a multi-hazard approach and inclusive risk-informed decision-making based on the open exchange and dissemination of disaggregated data; including by sex; age and disability...”. Moreover; the IAEG-SDGs have created a dedicated work stream on data disaggregation and set out to define and compile the necessary standards and tools for disaggregating data; which could be followed by Member States. Collecting disaggregated data could indicate vulnerability to disasters and more effectively and efficiently identify where the disaster risk is; and thus contribute to DRR. However; very few disaggregated cases have been reported to the online Sendai Framework Monitor (SFM) system which collects annual aggregates. On the other hand; DesInventar; a global disaster loss database; collects data by hazardous event with location adopting Geographic information system (GIS). The reported disaggregated data on human attributes in DesInventar are not much; however; the development of disaster databases together with GIS would contribute to human-centered and locational-based disaster risk reduction
What type of data and supporting research infrastructure would be necessary to enable novel, transdisciplinary approaches to answering these and other human-centered disaster questions?
As written in Q1; disaggregated data on human attributes; should be described on maps by Geographic information system (GIS). Online Synthesis System for Sustainability and Resilience (OSS-SR; see the reference) is not a single system but is developed in various ways as an advanced disaster database and repository together with such relevant data; including disaster loss; socio-economic data; and geographical information; to support policy and decision making with suggestions for necessary actions. OSS-SR should meet the conditions described in the Sendai Framework; “to enhance the development and dissemination of science-based methodologies and tools to record and share disaster losses and relevant disaggregated data and statistics; as well as to strengthen disaster risk modeling; assessment; mapping; monitoring and multi-hazard early warning systems.” Not a specialist in a certain domain but a “Facilitator” will play a role in bridging different knowledge managed in OSS-SR and stakeholders/sectors across levels to implement policies; particularly at the local level. Disaggregated data on human attributes and location by hazard type are to be collected and analyzed in OSS-SR. Locational-based social and economical data are to be integrated and analyzed in OSS-SR to provide actionable information to support decision and policy making for DRR.
In what ways can US-Japan collaborations advance these questions in new and important ways?
Due to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information; municipal autonomy and other restrictions; personal data cannot be used for other purposes and beyond the jurisdiction of the central government. From these circumstances an increasing number of attempts using big data have been made. Since there is much research using big data and disaggregated (personalized) data in the US; sharing good practices of using human-centered data for disaster resilience in the US would promote such research in Japan and hopefully mobilize Japanese governments. On the other hand; Japan has initiated and promoted OSS-SR through interdisciplinary collaboration (Japan Hub of Disaster Resilience Partners (JHoP)). As more countries including the Philippines and Taiwan have been mobilized through Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programs; the US could share experience and expertise of such initiatives. At first a US-Japan joint seminar will get both understood; and then the joint-research could be proposed and promoted in areas of mutual interest.